Creating a Private Form

·2 mins

VaultForm makes it easy to create a private form so you don’t have to trade privacy for convenience. This document will walk through how to create your first form to share.

Create an account #

First, if you haven’t already, make sure you’ve created an account or signed in to your VaultForm account.

Create New Form #

From the home page, you should now see a large empty box with a dotted line. This is a button that will take you to the form creation page.

Empty VaultForm page showing no forms have been created.
Empty VaultForm page showing no forms have been created.

Go ahead and give it a click.

Add your Information #

You should have three fields visible: Title, Description, and Question 1.

Title is displayed as your form title. This is a required field.

Description is displayed under the title to give more context to the data you’re collecting.

Question 1 is your first question. You can add more questions by clicking the button below it to add a new question.

Empty form with 3 fields and the ability to add new questions.
Empty form with 3 fields and the ability to add new questions.

You can add as many questions as you want. All questions will take text as responses.

Save your Form #

Once you’ve added your data, you can go ahead and click the save button.

Voila! Your first form has been created. 🎉